Doughnut packaging for small business


doughnut packaging


In this video we will learn how to package bread doughnut such that you can supply it to shops and supermarkets or sell it directly in your office, schools, etc. It will be well packaged. Once your doughnut is okay, then the product will sell fast. 

How it  works

First of all get, your packaging nylon, then brand it. To get my course on how small businesses can brand their product without printing machine then you click here

After branding your nylon, you add your product inside the nylon, then plug your impulse sealer to electricity and bein to seal. Make sure the temperature control of your impulse sealer is set on the right temperature for your impulse sealer. 

To get more understanding, you can watch the video below


With the methods demonstrated in the video above you can be able to do a good packaging for your bread doughnut. So if you know how to do bread doughnut, why don't you turn it into  a lucrative business

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To get my course on how small businesses can print on their packaging nylon without a printing machine click here

To get my course on A-z of ogbono packaging business click here 

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